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My background, journey and why I am here  

I believe that true healing goes beyond pills and powders—it’s about empowering ourselves with the tools and knowledge to create lasting alignment and vitality.


My career began in 2016 with a Certificate IV in Personal Training, driven by a fascination with biomechanics and why so many experience pain in movement. This curiosity led me to pursue a Diploma in Remedial Massage, focusing utilising manual therapies as a method of treating postural discrepancies and pain patterns.

I’ve worked alongside some amazing chiropractors and physiotherapists, learning from them and getting the opportunity to treat and train a myriad of different cases. Over this time, I continuously refinied my approach by combining manual therapies with corrective movement techniques and developed a specialty in restoring and optomizing neck, back, and hip function. 

In over 7 years of working in clinical settings, I am now firm in the belief that the mental and emotional aspects of healing are just as important as the physical, especially when it comes restoring the body on a physiological level. 

To deepen my impact, I’ve created my own intuitive energy work, helping balance and align the energetic and phsyical bodies 

I’m passionate about holistic health, tailoring treatments to individual needs and guiding the body back to its optimal state for longevity.


What lead me to create The Energy Alignment Method?

Of the hundreds of people that I met each year, I saw so many stuck in thought patterns, belief systems and there for making choices that did not serve them on any level. Often, it was the crux of their inability to improve their quality of health, lifestyle and overall ability to live with joy and vibrancy. 

Pain and dystfunction leeched not only into their bodies, but multiple aspects of their life. Having energy became hard and so the lack of it got blamed on the pain, the stressful job, family responsibilties or aging. They were lost and either cosciously or uncosciously refusing to take accountability, disempowering themseleves for the potential of change over and over.


This held up a mirror to the past, present and potentially future me. I had been lost too. And after a profound awakening, my perspectives shifted out of disempowerment and into alignment with a more fulfilled version of me. 

As I focused on finding deeper levels of surrender for things I could not control, creating the type of life filled with meaning, purpose and adventure that I had so desperately been craving (instead of just waiting for it to just fall into my lap) and truly connect with loving self discipline, I was able to become more and more of my true self. The self walked the path to my fulfilled future self.


My Story

I had a difficult time when I was younger and began struggling with depression around the age of 11. I was very sesnsitve and took even the smallest, unintentional actions against me to heart. My emotions grew volatile and ruled the way that I viewed the world.


We all have a difficult time as we enter puberty, but I seemed to be falling deeper into a dark pit that I had no idea how to get out of. I spent much of my time suffering in silence, internalising the building sadness inside me, which I blamed on the how the world felt such a painful place to be. Teen years are challenging to navigate, but this went far deeper than teenage angst.


Although I had close friends my own age, I only felt I could relate to them on a surface level.. I seemed to need a lot of time alone, in my own company. A lot of the time I found it tiring to be around people for too long, inlcuding my own family members. Adults always told I was beyond my years, an old soul.

Despite having a loving family, friends, a boyfriend and good future prospects, I didn't really feel fact, I seemed to grow less happy as each year passed. I felt disconnected, resentful and lonely. 


By the time I was 14 I wondered "Why am I here? Because if this is all there is, what's the point? ".


I spent a lot of time waiting around for life to get better or expecting it to become the responsibilty of another person to come along and fix me. The only time I opened up about the gaping hole I felt in my chest, it was treated as the dramas of teenage hormones, which lead to me feeling even more misunderstood and alone.


The reason I tell you all of this, is that I spent 10 years in and out of a dark hole, yo-yo-ing between feeling like life was not worth living at my worst moments and that it was tolerable at my best moments. I have lived in the grips of numbness, depression and anxiety, I have been the most negative person in every room, I have obsessively longed for answers to all the 'Why's'  to explain how I could be getting life so wrong and whether or not it was worth me continuing on with it.


All the while, I had this deep sense there was more. That I was born into this life with a passion and love that still resided deep within me, under all the baggage, with a knowing that the world would be better some day. It scratched away at the back of my mind, like when you walk into a room and forget what you went in there for, that I was supposed to be doing something. 


Those years were hard, painful and gruelling. And I am appreciative for every single moment of them. Those years were the building blocks for everything I am now. I wouldn't trade or wish not to go through, even one day. To tell you my whole story would require writing a book, so for now I will keep it to this-

In 2013 I came to Australia, having just turned 18. It was my attempt to grasp the faint light at the end of the tunnel. Alas, after 7 months I seemed as unhappy as ever, I was still looking for external factors to 'make me happy' and my mind very much stuck in victim mode. I wanted to give up and go back to England, but something stubborn niggled within me to stick it out. 

The spectrum of awful and beautiful events that came after are the reason I am now in love with life. I believe our whole existence is a spiritual journey of the soul, but we tend to define the beginning as when we first become aware and open to spiritual concepts. For me, this was around the age of 20, though for the 6 years following it was very sporadic and held no consistency in focusing on spirtual practices. In 2022, this changed.


I dove into learning and opening myself wholeheartedly to a myriad of new concepts. This lead to me crafting and solidifying my practices. I am happy, fulfilled and so very grateful for the life I have created. I am humbly still learning, but I am choosing to live a life fulfillment.


On this wonderful journey of mine, I have found my deepest purpose is to help others on their path, by sharing my own experience and knowledge. With absolute knowing, faith and trust in this life's plan, I open my heart and spirit to all seeking guidance.

Mountainous Region
Mountainous Region


When you invest in yourself, the universe invests in to you too

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